Thursday, August 30, 2007

daydream lily

I've just added a blogroll to the side of this blog.

First cab off the rank is daydream lily, a great little Melbourne based blog about indie art, craft and design - Make sure you check it out.

And the Melbourne craft scene seems to be alive and well - I've already stumbles across lots of great indie craft blogs ... so maybe a opening a craft store or gallery is as good (or better) idea than an art gallery.


Daydream Lily said...

And thank you for the mention :-)

I think indie art and craft would be a brilliant idea (the indie art and craft scene is pretty happening). Have you looked through much of the other blog sites? and what about Etsy and MadeIt?

Sorry if im just mentioning things you already know.


Ben Rowe said...

Not at all Liss! Thanks for your help.

I'm all over Etsy, such a great site, but am just new to made it ... I just found it yesterday. I guess the craft scene is pretty well covered online.

But because there's so many great crafters out there, I think a shop in Melbourne selling good quality art and craft stuff could work ... although there are plenty of shops like this already, aren't there?

There's so much more I need to learn. Thanks for getting me started though!

Daydream Lily said...

Got some more ideas for you but rather then filling your blog up with comments ...woudl you like to contact me at winnel AT gmail DOT com
